On Tuesday, 4th of September 2018, Alfaisal University held its convocation ceremony of the Academic year 2018 – 2019 welcoming Alfaisal freshmen and new faculty. The ceremony took place in Princess Haya Auditorium in the presence of College Deans, Alfaisal President Dr. Mohammad Alhayaza and the Guest of Honor Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr CEO of Mega-City Project NEOM.
At first, Alfaisal President Dr. Mohammad Alhayaza gave his welcoming speech where he highlighted the university’s ranking and achievements, and assured Alfaisal new students that they will always find the guidance they need ‘’ We hold this convocation at the beginning of each academic year, to reassure you – our newest members- that you will have both the guidance and the support that you need to complete your academic journey with us, your new family, here at Alfaisal’’
Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr began his career with Saudi Aramco in 1978. Moving up the ladder in Saudi Aramco and then moving into KAUST where he hed different positions until he was appointed an interim president of KAUST in July 2017. Recently he was appointed as CEO of the NEOM Project. Eng. Nadhmi insisted in his speech on the vital rule the international faculty plays in the success of the university & the students and encouraged the students on thoroughly understanding Vision 2030 as they would be playing a huge rule in turning it into reality in the future, stating ‘’ It is vital for you all to understand the Vision 2030 for its entwined with the Kingdom’s status and place in the world, you are the ones who will raise the national flag and lead the country’s huge projects and all of what it aspires for’’
As every year, an outstanding Alfaisal student or Alumni gives a speech to encourage the freshmen and motivate them to face what’s coming ahead of them, for this year, College of Business outstanding student Maha Abo Bakr, who is an active member of CAS, gave a speech to the new students where she emphasized on the importance of enjoying the time spent in the university and the rule student clubs plays in developing the student’s personality, skills, and aspirations.