With great pride and honor, and for the 6th consecutive year, we are privileged to announce that Alfaisal University has ranked the highest out of the 25 medical schools (more than 8000 students) that sat for the “Progress Test” in the overall results, which took place on March 7, 2018.
The progress test (PT) is a comprehensive knowledge longitudinal testing approach which assesses the end of curriculum objectives acquired at graduation onset, by undergraduate medical training across all medical disciplines. It has been used in medical education for over 30 years, both in McMaster University in Canada and Maastricht University in the Netherlands, and many of the Western Universities have adopted this test. The medical school at Al Qassim University has utilized its partnership with the Maastricht University to prepare the progress test, and many medical colleges in the kingdom contributed to the test preparation. As the other 25 participating medical schools, the entire student population of Alfaisal’s College of Medicine, from year 1 to year 5, sat for the same test at the same time.
Interestingly, results have shown a nice progression in retaining and acquiring knowledge among our students from year to year. In all tested domains, Alfaisal’s average was higher than the national average in all years in terms of inter-colleges and intra-domains and disciplines performance, as shown in the graphs below
Alfaisal University congratulates and thanks all students who have contributed to this amazing accomplishment, and recognizes particularly academic affairs, assessment office, and faculty members for providing ideal test logistics.