Science is always a work-in-progress with research constantly modifying how we view and deal with the world around us. This has been very much appreciated by Alfaisal Medical students who not only want to learn the accepted body of knowledge but also wish to add to this knowledge. In the summer of 2010 sixteen students went to laboratories in the USA and Canada to develop first-hand experience with research in the basic biomedical sciences. One such student was Ahmed Abu-Zaid, who has now just completed the third year of Medicine. Ahmed went to the University of Mississippi Medical Center with the assistance of Dr Ali Khraibi. Ahmed not only gained research experience but is now a coauthor of a paper in press in the American Journal of Physiology, Renal Physiology. The manuscript entitled “Renal inflammation and elevated blood pressure in a mouse model of reduced ENAC” is authored by H.A. Drummond, S.C. Grifoni, A. Abu-Zaid, J.M. Barnard, B. Murphey and D.E. Stec. Ahmed spent three months carrying out research at this Center. This international research experiential program has expanded this past academic year with the Medical Students’ Association’s Summer Program for International Research Internship and Training (SPIRIT) identifying more than 40 research positions mainly in the USA and Canada for Alfaisal Medical Students. SPIRIT is also developing a research experiential program within the Kingdom.