Alfaisal University has been selected amongst 48 medical colleges and 100 abstracts from all over the Gulf to win the first prize at the recently held 8th International Scientific GCC Medical Conference in Oman. One of the prime driving forces behind this success is a fourth-year medical student Ayman Mohammed Awad who won the first prize under the category of Oral Presentation.
A paper entitled “The Pre-med School: A student initiative in Medical Education” was submitted to the Conference towards the end of 2011. We express our gratitude and appreciation to the authors and co-authors of this paper: Ayman Awad, Ammar Al-Sheikh, Asim Mahmod, Asem Daghestany, Mohammed Shareef, Mohammed Hejazi, Ahmed Abu-Zaid, Ahmed Yaqinuddin and Abdulhadi AlAmoudi.
Furthermore, a total of 6 abstracts were presented by Alfaisal University’s very own medical students. A very hearty thank-you is also extended to the other presenters and delegates – Dr. Solomon Senok, Ahmed Abuziad, Mohammed Mahgoub, Ahmed Adi, Mohammed Sebaie and Mohammed Ray-Zack – each of whom put forward dynamic and inspirational fronts over the five-day GCC Conference period.