Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Majed, the Director of the National Satellite Technology Program at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) gave a presentation on Satellite Technology and Applications to Alfaisal University faculty members, students and staff on Wednesday 14 October 2009. The presentation was first of the Alfaisal Research Colloquium series for the 2009-2010 academic year.
The Alfaisal Research Colloquium aims at bringing together faculty, students, and external experts to share a common thought process involving various fields of interest and expertise. The University hosts bimonthly events (every two weeks) which aim at providing ample opportunity to be exposed alternatively to a wide range of faculty and invited guest speakers from government, industry and the private sector.
The 35 people attending the event enjoyed it immensely as show by the numerous queries both during and after the presentation. Students in particular stayed behind to ask Dr. Mohammed questions. Dr. Theo Goosen, the Associate Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies at Alfaisal said that “the University is very proud to have someone of Dr. Al-Majed’s callibre taking part in the Colloquium. Dr. Mohammed is also a member of our Advisory Research Committee. He has made a significant contribution to our institution.”
Dr. Mohammed holds the academic rank of Associate Professor (Automatic Control, Mechanical Engineering). He obtained his Ph.D.in Mechanical Engineering (Controls) in 1997 from the University of California at Berkeley (USA). One of his many awards include the HRH Prince Bander bin Sultan’s Prize for excellent performance during his doctoral study.
With last year’s series having proven to be a success, with an average of 40 people attending each event, this year, we hope to bring an even more diverse and stimulating line up of guest speakers.