Collage of Pharmacy (COP) in Alfaisal University arranged with Strathclyde University visiting team a lecture delivered by Dr. Ibrahim Khadra a faculty member and Associate Prof. in Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde. The title of the lecture was “Recent advances in Pharmacy practice in the UK” at King Salman Auditorium, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC) on Thursday, 15th February 2018.
The objectives of the lecture were to give an overview of where pharmacy was in the UK and where it is now, to highlight the new role of Pharmacists in the UK, to highlight the role of academia and research in introducing new regulation for drug use, and to show the current capability of research and the diversity of post-graduate programs in Strathclyde University.
The audience were pharmacists from different fields along with (COP) faculty member and students. At the end of the lecture Dr. Khadra answered questions from the audience and discussed differences between the residency program in Saudi Arabia and post-graduate training programs in the UK.