17-22 December 2022: As part of a continuing research collaboration with Alfaisal University faculty, Dr Hacene Mahmoudi & Dr Nawel Spahis from Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef in Algeria visited Alfaisal University on 17-22 December 2022. Over the past decade this successful collaboration has resulted in 35 scientific publications, one edited book and three special journal issues in the areas of renewable energy, desalination and sustainable development. The visiting scientists met with faculty in the College of Science & General Studies, the College of Engineering, and in the College of Medicine. Dr Hacene and Dr Nawal also met with the University President, Dr Mohammed Alhayaza, the Vice President for External Relations, Dr Maha AlSaud, and the Vice President for Graduate Studies, Research & Innovation, Dr Yousef Alyousef. Dr Hacene gave a stimulating seminar entitled “Brine Mining in Desalination Processes”.
This is a new strategic area which is the future of seawater desalination with total recovery of all salts as commercial products and fresh water as a by-product.