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Thursday, March 6, 2025

College of Business Students Visit to ASHRM

CoB Students Participates in ASHRM Annual Conference
Thirteen CoB students along with the Chair of the Management Department, Dr. Hayfaa Tlaiss and the Manager of the Undergraduate programs, Ms. Eiman Binyameen were invited to attend the Arabian Society for Human Resources Management (ASHRM) 2018 Conference which took place between the 27th and 29th of March, 2018 in Dubai, UAE.

ASHRM is the biggest and most prestigious conference in the Arab World. The students who participated in this conference represented all the concentrations at the CoB including HRM, Marketing, Operations, Finance, and Accounting. The conference was attended by more than a 1000 executive as well as HR manager, professional, and experts from the Arab World and working in leading companies in the region including SABIC, ARAMCO, STC, and so on, as well as, guest speakers from large regional and international companies and universities such as Glow and London Business School. The conference covered a wide range of topics including the future of work, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of organizations.

It also focused on the importance of employees’ emotional and psychological well-being. During the conference, Dr. Hayfaa Tlaiss was recognized as the winner of the “Woman Role Model of the Year” Award. It is important to state that Alfaisal University was the only university from the Arab world that had a booth at ASHRM, side-by-side with Said Business School, Oxford University, and CIPD.

Students’ Feedback-ASHRM 2018

1.“Attending Arabian Society of Human Resources Management (ASHRM) gave me a life chance in experiencing an insight of what a working life looks like. It helped increase the circle of my connections and meet most of the HR leaders that I aim to be. It contributed in helping me understand what OUR future as both HR or finance employees will be in terms of the new innovations that is arising in our generation. It helped me shaping my future in so many aspects such as my future strategy, goals, personality and gain knowledge at such a short time. I am forever thankful for the university and Dr. Hayfaa for taking a special interest in us and our future and investing in us. Finally, I would like to add that I was extremely honoured to be Alfaisal, Human Resources Management, representative.”
– Danah M. Alabdulkareem, Double Major: Human Resources Management & Finance student.

2.“ASHRM is an unforgettable experience for it allowed me to see another aspect of HR I never thought I would see. I’ve learned so much in such little time from various speakers that were present during ASHRM conference. I’ve learned aspects rotating through successful business models and finally understood that business are unique and each speaker have shared with us their experience, knowledge and advices through their talk allowing me to collect valuable information about not just HR but also the business industry. These informations would be a great lesson for me for understanding the real world. The experience itself was very important for me because it would help build my character.”
– Sultana A. Alattas, Operations and Project Management

3.“Attending the ASHRM conference was an enlightening experience. We were given the opportunity to meet HR professionals from around the Arab world. We also had the chance to learn about the future that lies ahead for our careers and how to take advantage of such knowledge”
– Riyam O. Altamimi, Finance Student.

4. “Attending the Arabian Society of Human Resources Management was a remarkable addition to my experience as a student in Business Administrations. Although I’m majoring in Finance, I was able to broaden my knowledge in one of the many crucial aspects in company, which is Human Resources. I gained a great insight on work-environment related information, and how develop myself as a future employee. Moreover, the conference allowed me to greatly broaden my network by meeting a great amount of leaders in KSA’s top firms.”
– Fahad M. Balghonaim, Finance student

5.“It was a wonderful experience for me as HRM student. The conference shifted my mind-set to a new modern smart concepts of HR. I felt overwhelmed and honoured to represent AlFaisal University in ASHRM as a delegate.”
– Abdulaziz A. Allifah, Human Resources Management Student.

6. “Thank you very much for inviting me to join the ASHRM conference. As a Human Resource Management student, I truly enjoyed the conference and learned much from the excellent presentations and panel discussions. I have met experts and influencers, and I formed new relationships as it was an incredible place to network with those professionals. It was really beneficial especially from an HR perspective, looking forward to registering for next year.”
– Haya A. Alghanim, Human Resource Management Student.

7.“Going to the smart workforce conference was a great experience, not only did we meet executives from different fields in the business world but also had the opportunity to listen to interesting and important keynotes and discussions with various topics that relates to us as young entrepreneurs and future employees. Thank you to AlFaisal University and especially Dr. Hayfaa Tlaiss for granting me this opportunity!”
– Lena A. Alhammad, Accounting student.

8.“The trip exceeded my expectations ij the sense that I thought it was only going to benefit HR but on the contrary it benefited me. The topics discussed were very interesting and beneficial and opened my eyes to different areas to think and search about.”
– Huda A. Almusallam, Operations and Project Management

9.“It was a wonderful experience for me as HRM student and this is not my first time I managed to see my growth this time comparing to last year I learned much more and became friends with alot of people learned their mind set and discussed it was amazing. It was an honor to represent AlFaisal University in ASHRM as a delegate.”
– Faisal O. Alsowailem, Double Major Human Resources Management & Operations and Project Management

10.“ASHRM was an opportunity for me to widen my knowledge on critical issues such as technology and smarter workforces”
– Leen N. Altamimi, Double Major: Human Resources Management & Marketing

11.“I would really thank the University for letting us have the experience to go to ASHRM Conference where we had the chance to listen to amazing speakers and to understand many aspects of the future business also to be familiar of hows life is changing. Furthermore, I also had the chance to represent the University. Finally, the chance of networking.”
– Saud M. Aldhoheyan, Finance Student.

12.“The ASHRM Conference was an enriching experience, although I am not an HR major, the speaker highlighted relevant topics in business that will help me in my future career”
– Rayanah M. Alsaif, Marketing Student.

13.“As a marketing student, ASHRM was the perfect opportunity to take a full glance onto how HR have an overall impact on an entire organization and the individual. Underlying or not my understanding of what and how HR is, has completely changed. It was an incredible networking opportunity. An unforgettable stepping stone that helps you both professionally and as a seeker of education.”

– Alanoud B. Almandeel, Marketing Student.

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