Alfaisal University is proud to announce a two day hands on workshop on Team based learning (TBL) with the pioneer and founder of TBL Prof. Larry K Michaelsen.
Date: 14-15th (Tue-Wed) November, 2017
Time: 8am – 5pm
Venue: Princess Haya Auditorium, Alfaisal University
Limited seats
Who should attend?
Academicians, curriculum chairs, program designers, leaders in medical education, Deans, faculty of undergraduate and post-graduate colleges & Universities.
Although there is no registration fee we request that you confirm your participation through an email as seats are limited.
Workshop Objectives:
At the end of the workshop, attendee will be able to:
- Use ‘backward design” to create effective learning experiences.
- Differentiate between effective and ineffective assignments for learning groups.
- Identify four keys for designing assignments that will improve both learning and team cohesion.
- Develop a strategy for forming effective learning groups.
- Use Readiness Assurance Process (RAP) to assure content mastery and promote the development of self-managed learning teams in his /her discipline.
- Establish a grading/reward/feedback system that will motivate his/her students to prepare for and engage in peer teaching.
- Practice effective application-assignment design by actually creating at least one effective application assignment for one of his/her courses.
- Analyze the design of assignments using “4-S” assignment-design principles.
Prof. Larry K Michaelsen:
Larry K. Michaelsen (Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from The University of Michigan) David Ross Boyd Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma, Professor of Management at Central Missouri State University, a Carnegie Scholar, a Fulbright Senior Scholar and, former editor of the Journal of Management Education. He is active in faculty and staff development activities and has conducted workshops on teaching effectively with small groups in a wide variety of universities and corporate settings. Dr. Michaelsen has received numerous college, university and national awards for his outstanding teaching and pioneering work in the development of TBL, a comprehensive small-group based instructional process that is now being used in over 100 academic disciplines and on over 200 campuses in the US and many foreign countries.
TBL at College of Medicine, Alfaisal University:
Alfaisal University was established in 2008 and the College of Medicine at Alfaisal University is first in the GCC to implement TBL as one of its learning modalities with state of the art facilities since 2013. Three of our faculty members have earned fellowship in Team based learning from Duke-NUS. We have successfully introduced the backward design principle, readiness assurance and application exercises, appeal process and peer evaluation in TBL making this program on par with international standards. With the development of technology we have shifted our practice from Scantrons and clickers to EXAMSOFTTM, increasing the reliability of the iRAT, and providing real-time feedback to students, hence enhancing discussion and engagement of 340 students.
Organizing Committee:
- Dr Abdul Ahad Shaikh (chair)
- Dr Sadia Qazi
- Dr Muhammad Atif Mazhar
- Dr Abdul Jabar Rasool
- Dr Muhammed Raihan Sajid
- Dr. Ahmed Yaqinuddin
- Dr. Paul Ganguly
- Dr Akef Obeidat