The high quality of the research output by Alfaisal faculty members was confirmed by a recent Research Performance Indicators Report 2013 (The 3rd Report) commissioned by KACST from Thomson Reuters. Alfaisal University ranked 1st in the Kingdom with the highest average citation impact of 1.46 for clinical medical & health sciences papers. The report analyzed research output such as publications, patents and research funding of 30 research institutions in Saudi Arabia during a five year period 2008-2012. Overall, the University ranked 3rd highest out of 30 in average citation impact in all categories. In addition, Alfaisal University also scored 1st in external research funding for private universities with 16.7 million SAR for the period 2010-2013.
Dr Faisal Al Mubarak, the Alfaisal University Provost, Vice President & Chief Academic Officer said “We are extremely proud of the high quality and productivity of our faculty members as well as our students. The 1st ranking nationwide in citation impact of the medical papers produced by our faculty as well as the highest level of external funding for a private university are excellent examples that the University is well on its way to achieve its Vision to be a world-class research university.”