On March 29th 2014 11 youngsters provided a welcome contribution to the community by taking part in a “Cave Park Cleaning Project”.Dr Shamayel Fahim Consultant, Department of Pathology at KFSHRC was responsible for this initiative , with the support of Dr Baraa Alghalyini from Alfaisal University and members of the Gulf Family Medicine interest group (GFMIG). A team comprising 2 boys, 5 elementary school students and 4 middle school students embarked on this Project armed with rubber gloves and sacks for collecting rubbish. These students spent the full day cleaning the area and establishing a cleaner environment for visitors. During this “Clean Up” the students learned how to work together as a team, irrelevant of ages, learned to communicate effectively and ultimately learned how to respect their environment.
Their efforts not only from the Clean Up Team concerned, but from the efforts of GFMIG, Dr Baraa Alghalyini and members of Alfaisal University can be seen as a huge example in contributing to the community and providing a sense of pride and achievement. With initiatives and volunteers like this visitors can truly appreciate the parks and green spaces in Riyadh.