The College of Engineering (CoE) hosted a High Performance Computing (HPC) event on Monday April 18th, 2016. The event was entitled “Advances in Supercomputing: Things we should all know!” Students from the 5 CoE departments attended the event with faculty members and the Dean of the college Dr Nidal Nasser.
The presenter Dr. Tarek El-Ghazawi (Professor, and IEEE Fellow at George Washington University) talked about the use of supercomputing in research, being in engineering, medicine or any other field and how this is benefiting the humanity. He talked about the unprecedented international race for the leadership in supercomputing. The dominance of the U.S. in the top 10 supercomputers has also changed and new top Supercomputers can be now found in not only in the U.S., Japan and China, but also Germany and Saudi Arabia.
Dr El-Ghazawi engaged the students in his presentation followed by Q&A session on the male and female sides.