Alfaisal University received scholarships from the Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) as part of the program dedicated by the Company for sponsoring scholarships (SABIC Scholarships Program). The program attracts excelling Saudi students who wish to pursue their university studies in the Kingdom or abroad in areas decided by the Company every year. Scientific and engineering fields come at the top of these areas.
By adopting this program, SABIC seeks to scientifically qualify national talents to achieve the vision of becoming the worldwide favorite company in the field of chemicals.
To fulfill the scholarship requirements, the prospective students shall have already completed one academic semester at least by the end of the preparation year. The number of completed credits for engineering shall not exceed 80 credits, and 60% for other majors. The cumulative average shall not fall below 2.75/4 or 3.75/5, and the student shall be enrolled in one of the majors including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, software programming, marketing, accounting and chemistry. It is worth noting that these majors change annually according to the plan devised by the Company’s Human Resources Department. Applications for the scholarships take place at certain times during the year and they are announced for those who fulfill the set conditions.
Alfaisal University has a number of successful partnerships with excellent local and international agencies to promote its mission in providing high quality education that meets the requirements of the Saudi local market.