It gives us a great pleasure to share with you the outstanding performance of our students in the 12th multi-institutional “Progress Test” which took place on Wednesday March 4, 2020 and included year 1 to year 5 students, all taking the same progress test at the same time. 859 students from Alfaisal University’s College of Medicine (which is 14% out of the total number of 6250 students from 18 participating Saudi medical colleges) sat for the progress test. Alfaisal University has also reported the highest percentage of exam attendance among all. We are privileged to announce that Alfaisal University’s College of Medicine has ranked the first overall for the 9th consecutive year. Also, 5 out of the top 10 students nationwide were from Alfaisal. This proves that our students have been following a nice progression in acquiring and retaining knowledge from year to year as reflected by their intra-domains and disciplines performances. This also sheds light on what abilities Alfaisal University’s COM students have when it comes to inter-colleges’ medical knowledge and skills competition. Noteworthy to add is that we ranked the top medical school in the kingdom this year in the percentage of students passing the Saudi Medical Licensing Exam (SMLE) as declared by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS).
The progress test (PT) is a comprehensive knowledge longitudinal testing approach which assesses the end of curriculum objectives acquired at graduation onset, by undergraduate medical training across all medical disciplines. The medical school at Al Qassim University has utilized its partnership with the Maastricht University to prepare the progress test, and many medical colleges in the kingdom contributed to the test preparation. This year, the test has been modified in parallel to medical education developments so as to be aligned with SaudiMED competencies, Matching to SCFHS blueprint for SMLE, and difficulty index of each question was included at different levels.
Alfaisal University thanks all students who have contributed to taking this test, and recognizes particularly academic affairs, assessment office, and faculty members for providing ideal test logistics. Special thanks go to Dr. Akef Obeidat who has always proved to be the key faculty in the success of this test.
Congratulations Alfaisal!