4 renowned Astronauts landed today at the Alfaisal University Campus, to meet with University officials, faculty and students, as part of their community day. The astronauts, Vance Brand, Jeff Hoffman, Loren Acton and Tom Henman, who have been attending and participating in the Saudi International Space and Aeronautics Technology Conference, met with a lively group of excited students and faculty to share their experiences in space.
A presentation was delivered which gave the audience an insight into all the preparations that take place before a space mission is launched. Astronauts then spoke about their individual experiences and gave students advice on taking chances, opportunities and making the best of what you have.
Provost Dr. Faisal Al Mubarak was pleased with the visit and participated in the session, with students and faculty. A tour of the campus facilities led by Dr. Faisal was well received. Tom Henman stated ‘This has been the most exciting part of our day today, your students are an asset”.