On Tuesday December 6, 2016, Alfaisal University was visited by a delegation from Boeing Saudi Arabia. The delegation included Eng. Tony Brooks, Mr. Majed Alharbi, Mr. Anees Abdullah, and Mr. Sami Alotaibi.
During the visit, Mr. Majed Alharbi presented President Mohammed Alhayaza the cheque for the Boeing-funded project entitled “Design and Development of a Solar Powered Multi-rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”. The project is to be supervised by Dr. Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, and carried out by the University’s electrical engineering students. The ceremony was attended by Princess Dr. Maha AlSaud (VP for Development and External Relations), Dr. Muhammad Anan (Vice Dean, CoE), Dr. Munib Qutaishat (Director, QAA), Dr. Yousef Al Yousef (VP for Research and Graduate Studies, ORG) and Dr. Mattheus Goosen (AVP, ORG) and Dr. Ahmed Oteafy (EE).