The Annual Research Awards Ceremony was held Thursday 24 October 2023 to recognize the research achievements of faculty and students over the past year. Awards consisting of trophies and certificates were handed out by the University President HE Dr Mohammed Alhayaza and the College Deans. Congratulations to all winners.
Faculty Awards for Research Excellence were handed out to recognize those individuals whose research endeavors have been particularly successful. In addition, faculty who made it on the the Stanford University ‘World’s Top 2% Scientists’ list received certificates. The list which is generated from an analysis of citation count based on the Scopus the database consists two categories one for career impact, and another for annual impact. Since its initial release, the list has become a basis of celebration for universities.

Faculty Awards for Research Excellence 2023
- Welf H. Weiger, Assistant Professor of Marketing, COB
- Mario Ferrer, Assistant Prof of Operations Management, COB
- Mohammad Khanfar, Prof of Drug Design & Medicinal Chem, COP
- Ahmed Yaqinuddin, Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology, COM
- Raja Chinnappan, Lecturer of Biochemistry & Molecular Med, COM
- Mohammed Zourob, Professor of Chemistry, COSGS
- Edreese Alsharaeh, Professor of Chemistry, COSGS
- Ramazan Demirboga, Professor of Architectural Engineering, COE

Patents Granted in 2022
- Edreese Alsharaeh (5 patents granted in 2022 with Saudi Aramco)

Stanford University’s ‘World’s Top 2% Scientists’ List
Career Impact
- Mohammed Zourob Professor of Chemistry, COSGS
- Atef Shibl Professor of Microbiology (COM)
- Nidal Nasser Professor of Software Engineering (COE)
- Peter Kvietys Professor of Physiology (COM)
- Mattheus Goosen Assoc VP Res & Graduate Studies (ORI, GS)

Annual Impact 2022
- Mohammed Zourob Professor of Chemistry, COSGS
- Hani Tamim Professor of Internal Medicine (COM)

Winners of the 14th Annual Research Day Student Poster Competition
Students with winning posters in the 14th Annual Research Day Student Poster Competition were also recognized. The “Research Day” is held to strengthen the vision that research is indeed one of the missions of Alfaisal University. Students submitted research papers in one of the following four categories: Business, Management & Law, Engineering & Technology, Medicine, Pharmacy & Health Science, and Science & Humanities.