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KAUST Entrepreneurship & Accelerators Programs

College of Engineering organized a university wide session on KAUST Entrepreneurs & Accelerator Programs:  Principles and Applications on 12th November 2018 from 12:00am to 1:00pm. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Salman Kattan, Startup Support Coordinator and Mr. Rayan Alrasheed, Startup Incubator Lead from KAUST Entrepreneurship Center. the main objective was to educate faculty and students from all collages on KAUST Entrepreneurs & Accelerator Programs and their and to encourage them to apply for them.

The session started with an Introduction about KAUST Entrepreneurship Center, their programs and the process in how to apply. The session was very interactive as the presenters alternated the presenting role and engaged the audience on fun and objective activities during the session.

In addition, Mr. Rayan and Mr. Salman shared many success stories of applicant who started their project with KAUST Entrepreneurship center where they received the needed assistance and guidance to develop and actualize their ideas into realistic products and services. The presenters concluded the session with the programs qualifications and eligibility

The sessions had active participation and engagement by both students and faculties from various Colleges. The presenters were thanked for their captivating session.

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