Prof. Ronald Levy the Robert K. and Helen K. Summy Professor at Stanford and Chief of the Division of Oncology in the Department of Medicine at Stanford University, School of Medicine gave a seminar entitled “Using the Immune System to Treat Lymphoma” at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) in Riyadh on Monday 30 March 2009.
The seminar was sponsored by Alfaisal University College of Medicine and King Faisal International Prize in collaboration with KFSHRC. About 200 people attended the seminar including twenty faculty, staff and students from Alfaisal University. Dr. Levy who was the winner of the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine (2009) gave a fascinating overview on the development of antibodies for treatment Lymphoma cancer. There was an extensive question and answer period at the end of the seminar.
For over 30 years, King Faisal International Prize has been awarded to dedicated men and women whose contributions have made a positive difference. The Prize is awarded to those who exceptionally serve Islam and Muslims, and the scientists and scholars whose research results in significant advances in specific areas that benefit humanity. This incentive also encourages expanded research that may lead to important medical and scientific breakthroughs. About 20% of the prize winners eventually go on to win a Nobel Prize.