The College of Business hosted the Saudi MBA Association event, entitled “Workforce Engagement in Saudi Arabia”.
The Honorary Guest was HRH Prince Mohammed K. A. Alfaisal – President & CEO of Alfaisaliah Group & Chairman of Advisory Council at the College of Business. The Guest Speaker Mr. Tom O’Byrne(CEO of Mercer Consulting Lim, KSA) and his team addressed the audience of Saudi MBAs.
The presentation covered important facts about Saudi Workforce. It highlighted that more than ever before, thousands of Saudi professionals are on the lookout for work that means something to them, to their families and friends, and to the nation’s boom economy. Furthermore, Saudi nationals ranked training and development and competitive benefits closely behind competitive pay as the most important elements in their career choice. Mr. Byrne also stated that survey indicates that one in four Saudi men and one in three Saudi women indicated they planned to stay with their current employer no more than one to three years.
The event was organized by Dr. Francois Bester, the Director of the MBA Program, Mr. Abdullah Alsheikh, the MBA Program Supervisor, Hesham Rowaihy, the Manager of Badir Program for Technology incubators – KACST and Mr. Motasim Niazy, an Alfaisal MBA Alumni.