With the rapidly growing industry of apps and games development nowadays, Alfaisal University’s Enrichment Program (AUEP) is introducing the “Apps & Augmented Reality (AR) Games Developers” track this summer that aims to expand MobiSiTech+ track insight , which was offered last years, to educate high school students about the big real-world challenges that the gaming industry can take part in solving using interactive means of technology.
The Apps & AR Games Developers track aims to provide the students with the essential software development skills that increase the awareness of how Software Engineering life is and how to expand it further in various contexts. In this track, we focus on helping students grow a network of connections while working together on the various phases of the software engineering lifecycle, starting from planning all the way to implementation and testing. We provide an intensive 3-weeks training from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm daily to help in scaling up the development skills and creativity in utilizing the modern technology to develop interactive games and apps.
Throughout the program, students gain hands-on experience in implementing websites, mobile apps, mobile games, machine leaning (ML) & Internet of Things (IoT) apps, AR apps, Unity games and Robotics games and get to also learn about the essential aspects of keeping apps secured and connected. Furthermore, hands-on practice, workshops and labs are designed to help students deploy all projects and checkpoints. The program is designed to introduce all these topics and beyond as well as key languages pillars needed for a starter level to raise awareness and spark the interest of young technologists in the software engineering field.
The program this summer focuses on the game development theme in a bigger scope as part of the Game Innovation Lab’s initiative to engage students in the gaming theory and practice. For more details about the Apps & AR Games Track program and registration, please visit our site: https://auep.alfaisal.edu/apps-ar-games-development